Paris Escapes Testimonials
Thank you very much for a really great website on Paris. I learned as much really useful stuff in 20 minutes from you as I did from weeks of web surfing and guidebooks. I now am sure I will have a great first trip to Paris next week. Great work!
- Michael Matthews
I just found your website in your post to the Fodor's message board. I've loved reading it! I wish I had found it before our trip to Paris last month. Thank you for all the information!
- Barbara Wendell
Interesting website - lots of good tips. I am planning my 5th trip to Paris, but still found some tips I could use - thanks!
I love your website and found it full of so many interesting tips that I'll probably print parts of it off to take to Paris with me. Many thanks.
- Geebee2
Thank you for your great website. Your suggestions greatly enhanced our recent trip to Paris.
We enjoyed a number of your restaurant recommendations. Your siteseeing recommendations
like the ancient Louvre and the Isle de St Louis walk were great. The yellow pages are an unbelievably useful resource. Thanks !! Your suggestion of asking for a carafe de l’eau was very useful.
I have two suggestions for your consideration: The restaurant Maree Verte was great on several visits (and reasonably priced). The l'Orangerie at the Louvre has reopened and is sensational.
Thanks for adding the travel from the airport topic to the website.
- Wayne and JoAnn Stengel
We think your sight really rocks and our taking advantage of all the tips...We totally find your site most valuable...Thanks again we are most impressed with your fast and informational response (to our email)- very professional.
- Chauncey & Dena
You have an awesome website. I love the detail of the information provided. The Do's and Don't's are definitely helpful. Thank you.
- Calicobaby
I liked your web site very much....I do take exception with one of your "tips" that I think is horrible. l NEVER go to the Louvre on free Sundays, the line ups are ridiculus, I know , I made that mistake once, never again will I do that to save a few bucks. Go to the Louvre and avoid long lines by entering through the shopping mall and buying your ticket from a machine.
- Joan1
I was reading through your website earlier this week. It's very, very helpful. And now new tips on what to wear by decade no less! I love it! I was curious about what might be new but not brave enough to venture into the treacherous waters of clothing questions.
- RoseTravels
ParisEscapes, your website is awesome! Thanks so much!
- Les
ParisEscapes...I have searched and searched the web for ideas on what to wear in Paris on my upcoming trip to no avail.
I now have an idea and certain that I won't look like a country bumpkin. Thank you again!
- Boxela
Thank you for taking time to share your observations and opinions. I simply love your website.
- Trischulte
Great website...excellent tips...thanks for sharing!
- Kevin
(Looking for a hotel room in St. Germain des Pres at 100€- had given up hope ) ...I saw ParisEscape's suggestion for the Jardin d'Odeon, and checked them out on Wonderful ratings! ...I went to their website and almost lost confidence, because it seemed the price would be high...Guess what they offered.... OK, I'll tell: 100 Euros a night for Thursday, and 105 for Friday and Saturday. I booked it and we are already confirmed. The rate doesn't include breakfast, but I am happy and satisfied.
ParisEscapes: many many thanks.
- Tuscanlifeedit
What to Wear Photos - I love this stuff--thanks parisescapes.
- Lucygirl
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Author: Cheryl Montgomery